IPAM Membership
IPAM participation and membership status is open to national, regional and international organisations, research or development institutions, funders, donors, banks, public and private entities, NGOs, and individuals.
Candidate members can affiliate to IPAM, in one of these three categories :
- Member organisations (voting members).
- Individual Members (non-voting, but may be involved in issue or thematic sub-committees, etc.).
- Sponsors (non-voting, not involved in committees or events).
Member organisations and individual members can act as sponsors, as well.

Organisations may apply for membership in order to contribute to IPAM’s vision and objectives, through financial or in-kind support. To be considered as a member candidate, the organisation must have at least one representative affiliated as an individual member to at least one thematic committee. Member organisations must agree to abide by the membership charter (download here application form).
Any entity may apply for membership in order to contribute to IPAM’s vision and objectives, through in-kind support. Application is made via a formal, written request, signed by a legal representative of the institution. Upon application, the IPAM Steering Committee considers and votes on membership. Once accepted, the Member Organisation is entitled to full voting rights to elect Steering Committee members.
The Steering Committee is limited to being represented to a maximum of 15 member organisations, with terms of two years, and if there are more than 15 member organisations a system of term-limits and rotation will be developed.
In-kind support assumes a steady participation at meetings of direct relevance to an institution’s competency. In-kind support may or may not involve participation to IPAM sectoral committees activities.
Benefit of Organisations Membership: Member Organisations may be party to funded projects, and have a vote on Steering Committee membership. Member Organisations are acknowledged on IPAM materials (e.g. website, letterhead) and may note affiliation with IPAM on publications or events. Member Organisations, with the consent of the Steering Committee, may represent IPAM at specific events.
Contact : if you want to become an Member Organisation
Individuals, either representing institutions or representing themselves, may participate in IPAM events, sectoral work of thematic committees, and projects. Individual Members can be assigned to one or various sectoral thematic committees. Their participation in specific activities governed by thematic committees is at the full discretion of the committee chair(s). Either way, participation in IPAM-wide activities is at the full discretion of the Steering Committee.
Anyone wishing to become an Individual Member will be required to sign up online and agree to a basic charter, but will have no voting rights.
As IPAM develops, individual membership requirements may change, to include membership dues and additional rights and responsibilities. However, any change will be communicated to members giving due notice.
Go to the basic charter and sign up online if you want to apply to be an individual associate member
IPAM welcomes sponsors to support important projects, events, research, and other initiatives.
If interested in discussing sponsorship opportunities, please contact
IPAM is open for all for a variety of activities, including IPAM conferences, training events and meetings.
Click here to register for the mailing list to be up to date regarding IPAM news, events and participation opportunities.
IPAM does not necessarily endorse the views of members, be they institutional or associate, and may revoke them, if they do not comply with IPAM’s charter.