IPAM Webinar series: Capturing Collective Progress on Adaptation: A Proposal to move forward on the UNFCCC Global Stocktake

On February 05, 2025, Joel Smith, an esteemed IPAM member, presented the UNDP study “Capturing Collective Progress on Adaptation: A Proposal to move forward on the UNFCCC Global Stocktake”, followed by comments by two discussants:
• Prof. Ousmane Seidou, University of Ottawa, Director, hydraulics Lab
• Nicolas Zambrano, Government of Ecuador, Ministry of Environment
If you want to review the recording of this discussion suggesting a focus on a limited number of metrics covering cross-cutting outcomes and a few sectors. click here.
CABI-AAA side event at CoP29 focused on Farmer-Centric Solutions for Effective NDC Implementation

IPAM member organizations AAA Initiative and CABI, key drivers of the IPAM Agriculture Committee, convened a pivotal side event at CoP29. The event brought together a diverse coalition of development partners, government stakeholders, and research organizations to foster an inclusive and interactive dialogue. Their shared objective was to explore transformative strategies for reimagining agrifood systems through sustainable, farmer-centric digital solutions and innovative approaches.
Click here to download the concept note of the side event at CoP28.
Click here to watch the recording of the side event
IPAM side event at CoP29 focused on advancing the UAE Belem Work Programme: Declining the Critical Role of Adaptation Metrics

IPAM supports the UAE-Belem process by identifying shareable indicators to assess climate change adaptation progress. The organization has previously contributed to multiple evaluation frameworks, with 7 of its individual members among the 78 experts convened for the UNFCCC technical work program. This side event aimed to explore and reconcile these diverse perspectives and approaches.
Click here to download the concept note of the side event at CoP29.
Click here to watch the recording of the side event
Second IPAM Submission to the UAE-Belem Work Programme

The International Platform on Adaptation Metrics (IPAM) presents this submission to the UNFCCC in response to the call for information on existing indicators for measuring progress towards the targets referred to in paragraphs 9-10 of decision 2/CMA.5.
We propose three key attributes for adaptation metrics: clear identification with climate change adaptation, wide applicability, and scalability/comparability/aggregability.
Click here to read IPAM submission on UNFCCC portal.
IPAM WEBINAR SERIES : Climate vulnerability reduction credits and experience in Côte d’Ivoire: A metric for climate adaptation

On July 25, 2024, representatives of The Higher Ground Foundation, a pillar organization of IPAM, presented their work developing and testing the climate Vulnerability Reduction Credit (VRC™).
If you want to review the recording of this discussion on an adaptation metric that spans sectors and project types click here.
You can find here the presentation in pdf format.
IPAM WEBINAR SERIES: Defining Boundaries Between Adaptation and Loss & Damage in a Changing Climate

On May 20, 2024, IPAM members from India, Morocco, the UK, and the US discussed the blurred lines between the concepts of Adaptation to Climate Change and Loss & Damage from Climate Change (how they intersect, how they diverge, and how to measure their impacts).
For those who missed the live session, you can access the recording of this impactful event by clicking here.
IPAM WEBINAR SERIES: Thematic targets and indicators for the Global Goal on Adaptation – Perspectives from IPAM

On April 2, 2024, eight members of IPAM members discussed how specific indicators and methodologies could support the general framework of the Global Goal on Adaptation. Specific insights were provided from IPAM committees on Agriculture, Cities and Water.
For those who missed the live session, you can access the recording of this impactful event by clicking here.
IPAM Submission to the UAE-Belem Work Programme

In response to the call for inputs outlined in decision 2/CMA.5, IPAM formed two dedicated work groups to provide a comprehensive contribution. The first work group focused on proposing modalities, timelines, work approaches, and expected outputs for the UAE-Belem Work Programme process itself. Concurrently, the second work group developed a proof of concept for assessing indicators to be used in evaluating progress towards achieving the Global Goals on Adaptation.
Click here to read IPAM submission on UNFCCC portal.
IPAM WEBINAR SERIES: IPAM's Statement on Metrics for Global Goals on Adaptation

On February 29, 2024, a dedicated team of IPAM members spanning four continents shared our comprehensive statement on metrics for Global Goals on Adaptation. This significant announcement was initially launched as a policy paper at CoP28 in Dubai. During this enlightening session, we not only presented our statement but also introduced IPAM's proposed technical work program for 2024.
For those who missed the live session, you can access the recording of this impactful event by clicking here.
IPAM side event at cop 28 to support the global goal on adaptation and the global stocktake

IPAM proposes to support the GGA and GST, along with other global adaptation frameworks over the 2020s through a program of analytical work.
In the occasion of CoP28 in Dubai, a dedicated side event launched four policy papers relevant to measuring Global Adaptation Goals, on Sunday, December 3, 2023, at 3:30 pm GST, at the Moroccan Pavilion in the Blue Zone.
Click here to download the concept note of the side event at CoP28.
Click here to watch the recording of the side event
IPAM WEBINAR SERIES = Overview and Compliance Audit of urban climate action plans adopted or published post-IPCC Fifth Assessment Report

On October 5, 2023, the Center for Peaceful and Sustainable Futures (CEPEAS) a research center from the University of Hiroshima presented an analysis of urban climate action plans post-AR5 examining how they align with selected climate action planning best practices.
Click here to find the presentation by IPAM member organization CEPEAS.
IPAM MEMBER WEBINAR SERIES = Climate co-benefits of natural resource management-based development programme

On July 27, 2023, the Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) a policy think tank based in southern India, presented a framework for quantifying climate co-benefits of poverty alleviation projects.
Click here to find the presentation by IPAM member organization CSTEP
UNFCCC Dialogue for the Global Stocktake in Bonn, June 2023

IPAM was invited to participate in the Third Technical Dialogue at the final major UN conference before the Stocktake is to be finalized at the COP 28 this December.
Click here to read the intervention of IPAM chair at the Global Stocktake Technical Dialogue TD 1.3 (Bonn, June 6, 2023)
IPAM WEBINAR SERIES = Measuring Adaptation Progress and Success: Efforts and Examples from the US

On November 30, 2022, IPAM Techniques & Tools Committee convened a seminar with Dr. Susanne Moser talking about:
- The Resilience Toolkit
- Perspectives on Adaptation Metrics overall
- How American activity in this space relates to the broader context
- Opportunities for metrics expert collaboration.
Click here to watch the presentation by Dr Moser
Click here to find more about resilience metrics in the US
The pdf presentation and video of debate are available to IPAM members
IPAM Concentrated on food systems at CoP27

IPAM contributed to an event at CoP27 in Sharm El Sheikh :
A framework for measuring and evaluating adaptation to climate change for food systems: perspectives for finance in the public and private sectors
Click here to download the agenda for this event
Click here to find the presentations of this webinar
Click here for CGIAR’s corresponding blog
IPAM Comments on the Global StockTake to the Paris Agreement

IPAM considers the Global Stocktake as the most important current process when it comes to guiding frameworks and decisions that will cascade down to national, subnational, and non-state actions regarding climate adaptation. IPAM hopes its submission and subsequent activities will contribute to improved integration of adaptation metrics into the Stocktake, and as it has been the case for CoP26 in Glasgow, IPAM will be present at CoP27 in Sharm el Sheikh, voicing the need for attention to adaptation metrics.
Click here to download IPAM’s answers on Adaptation to the Guiding questions by the SB Chairs for the Technical Assessment component of the first Global Stocktake
For more information on the Global Stocktake, visit:
IPAM Post CoP26 webinar: A presentation of project ideas

With over 50 individual members from four continents contributing to the works of the four IPAM thematic committees, many project ideas are emerging and a few are briefly exposed within this webinar.
Click here to watch the session
Click here to download the agenda

1) Adaptation Metrics Challenges & Perspectives (Tuesday, November 9, at 6:30 p.m.)
Click here to follow this UNFCCC backed event online
Click here to download the agenda for this event.
2) Adaptation Metrics Mapping Evaluation (AMME) Framework Launch Event (Wednesday, November 10 at 09:00 a.m.)
3) IPAM Steering Committee Meeting at CoP26 (Wednesday, November 10 at 10:45 a.m.,Moroccan Pavilion)
Click here to download the agenda for these 2 events.
Adaptation Metrics: The path forward. A pre-CoP webinar with Adaptation Ledger - 26 Octobre 2021

In the run-up to CoP26, this session will address, through a series of expert presentations and a panel discussion, the use of adaptation metrics in national adaptation systems, in adaptation finance, and in resilience-based projects.
Click here to download the webinar announcement.
Click here to watch the webinar.
IPAM Webinar in the Pre-Conference Series of the 6th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference – 27 May 2021

IPAM hosted a webinar in the Pre-Conference Webinar Series of Adaptation Futures 2020 on May 27, 2021. In this webinar, IPAM presented the outlines of its AMME (Adaptation Metrics Mapping & Evaluation) work program.
Click here to watch the video recording of the webinar.
Click here to find the presentations of this webinar.
IPAM committees first introductory meetings – March 22 to April 7

Participation to the Climate Adaptation Summit - 25 & 26 January 2021

IPAM is present at CAS2021, an online global conference organized on the 25 & 26 of January 2021 by the Global Commission on Adaptation to accelerate, innovate and scale up the world’s efforts in adapting our societies and economies to the inevitable effects of climate change over the coming decade.
Click here to see IPAM’s presentation video at CAS2021.
Membership Opening Webinar on November 5, 2020

A membership opening webinar was organized in two sessions on November 5th, 2020, raising a considerable interest, with 186 people registered, coming from 49 countries. The webinar started with a keynote of IPCC’s executive secretary and a welcome word of AAA Initiative Foundation’s Director General, followed by introduction to IPAM vision and structure, presentation of the metrics mapping project, explanation of opportunities for Institutional, Associate, and Sponsorship participation, and a description of the 4 existing sub-committees goals.
Click here to download IPAM Webinar 5 Nov 2020 presentation
Click here to watch the video
The 2019 international workshop on adaptation metrics

The series of three international conferences on adaptation metrics held from 2016 to 2018 accumulated a significant amount of knowledge on the subject and resulted in the creation of an international community of practice with practitioners from government agencies, multilateral development banks and bilateral agencies, and the private sector, with acute knowledge of policy, climate change science, and climate finance with the view of approaching the subject of adaptation metrics in a wholistic manner.
To consolidate synergies of this community of practice in terms of research frame, targeted outcomes and purpose of the metrics to be identified and developed, the GiZ 4C/IKI project organized a brainstorming workshop in Salé on November 22, 2019, resulting in a mission statement calling for the creation of a dedicated platform on adaptation metrics.
Click here to download the concept note and the program of the 2019 International Workshop for the Institutionalizing of an International Platform on Adaptation Metrics.
Click here to download the Mission Statement calling for the creation of a dedicated platform on adaptation metrics.
The 2018 third international conference on adaptation metrics

After the CoP22 mission was over, two of the main supporting actors of the first conferences decided to continue the cycle of international conferences held annually in Morocco.
The German Corporation for International Cooperation (GiZ) supported the organization of the third conference at University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) in Benguerir, on October 26-27, 2018. A new topic, “resilient cities”, was added to the themes of water and agriculture.
These three topics were addressed each in a half-day session, following a first half-day devoted to the presentation of the newly released special report on 1.5 ° C trajectory of the IPCC, in the presence of its Chair and several members of the Executive Board.
Prior to the Conference, advanced courses on “Adaptation Metrics and Techniques for Agriculture and Water”, aiming at building the capacities of participants, mainly from Africa, were organized on October 24-25, 2018.
In the wake of this conference a Cluster on “Adaptation Metrics and Techniques for Agriculture, Water and Resilient Cities” was created
Click here to download the concept note and the program of the 2018 third International Conference on Adaptation Metrics
Click here to download the program for the advanced courses and tutorials
Click here to see the presentations of session 1
Click here to see the presentations of session 2
Click here to see the presentations of session 3
Click here to see the presentations of session 4
Click here to download the concept note for the Cluster on Adaptation Metrics and Techniques for Agriculture, Water and Resilient Cities
The 2017 second international conference on adaptation metrics

In the first conference in Skhirate (2016), the opportunity for in-depth discussions was raised about sectoral metrics.
Taking into account the UNFCCC survey that identified the top two adaptation priorities expressed in NDCs as Water and Agriculture, the COP22 Scientific Committee organized a second international conference on adaptation metrics, the first to be sector oriented, as the last conference to be held under Moroccan Presidency before handing over to Fiji.
This conference was hosted by the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) on October 6-7, 2017.
The main objective of the conference was to provide a discussion platform between finance institutions, research scientists and the actual project holders, especially from the African continent, in order to convene a clearly defined common vision of rules and indicators regarding metrics for these two sectors.
Click here to download the concept note and the program of the 2017 second International Conference on Adaptation Metrics
Click here to see the presentations of session 1
Click here to see the presentations of session 2
Click here to see the presentations of session 3
Click here to see the presentations of session 4
The 2016 first international conference on adaptation metrics

It was estimated that before 2016, Adaptation received worldwide barely 6% of global climate finance and 17% of public climate finance, and even if these financial resources were scarce, the little that existed struggled to get mobilized.
The main reason given for non-sufficient mobilization of finance lied in the difficulty to quantify adaptation, underlying the lack of consensus on adaptation metrics.
The Scientific Committee of COP 22 made thus a priority in organizing the first international conference on adaptation metrics in Skhirate on September 27, 2016.
The aim of the conference was to agree on criteria and indicators suitable for assessing adaptation projects in the eye of climate finance, and the conference was articulated in four panels, discussing the opportunities and challenges for the financial sector, the possibility of measuring adaptation through its impact on resilience, the linking of adaptation with the sustainable development goals and the sectoral approach of adaptation to climate change.
Click here to download the concept note of the 2016 first International Conference on Adaptation Metrics
Click here to download the program of the 2016 first International Conference on Adaptation Metrics
Click here to download the submission to the UNFCCC
Click here to see the presentations of panel 1
Click here to see the presentations of panel 2
Click here to see the presentations of panel 3
Click here to see the presentations of panel 4